For a few months now many people have been asking how translations are integrated within phpList. On both the translations’ mailing list and community forum people have been wondering what happens with their contributions once they submit them. Honestly, it is amazing to see that you spend some time to translate phpList in your native language!
Back in 2019 phpList switched to Weblate after many years of using Pootle as a localization tool due to due to the drop of development maintenance for Pootle. All Pootle users were imported to Weblate so you could keep localizing phpList without going through the process of creating a new account. Although the signup process for newcomer users is pretty simple and should not take more than 3-4 minutes.
As you might have already noticed, when you translate strings on a certain language they don’t get immediately included in the upcoming version. This happens due to a variety of technical issues but we are working in resolving this and everything that is blocking the immediate integration of the translated strings in every release. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks all pending translations will be included in the upcoming version.
If you want to translate phpList please do so on and not on GitHub. is the place where all translations (for every language) should live.
The reason why phpList has such a rapid development cycle is to be able to offer back to the community users a software that includes their contributions! Just hold on for a few more weeks. 😁